Parvati Valley

Tosh Village Domesticated

Easily accessible through road, Tosh village has now become a hub for tourists. Due to this intervention by tourism, the cannabis plantation has been shifted deeper and higher in the mountains. The domesticated plants found here show a variety of features and one can find immense genetic variation, from small structured hashplants to huge big yielding sativas. Pink/Purple hues can be seen lurking in the green general population.

Pulga Village

Pulga is situated in a valley surrounded by snow clad mountain peaks on three sides. The locals here mainly rely on Apple and Cannabis farming. These landrace plants have a Christmas tree like structure which produce nice densely packed flowers. They display a light purple fade towards the end of flowering, which is unevenly spread throughout the flower. Their seeds are huge in size, resilient and germinate brilliantly like other domesticated landrace varieties.


Rasol is a small village high up in the mountains of Parvati Valley and is a steep 6km trek from Chalal. With a mesmerizing view of higher Himalayas this area is world famous for its fruity hashish. The general cannabis population of Rasol consists of sturdy, humidity resistant resinous plants which produce elegant terpene combinations.

Landrace Mafia

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