Tosh Village Domesticated

Location/Altitude:-Kutla, Parvati valley .2700 Meters.

Coordinates:-32.0154°N, 77.4537°E

Native Environment:- Alpine Zone (Cool Humid Summers and Snowy Winters)

Flowering time:- 10 to 14 weeks.

Height Outdoors/Yield:- 6-10 feet/Medium.

Farming season:-April to November.

Terpene Profile:- Citric lemony smell which is combined with either, Gas or Perfume according to the phenotype.

Final product by local farmer:- Handrubbed hashish.

Effects :- Euphoric high, very social and creative.

Easily accessible through road, Tosh village has now become a hub for tourists. Due to this intervention by tourism, the cannabis plantation has been shifted deeper and higher in the mountains. The domesticated plants found here show a variety of features and one can find immense genetic variation, from small structured hashplants to huge big yielding sativas. Pink/Purple hues can be seen lurking in the green general population.

Landrace Mafia

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