Pulga Village

Location/Altitude:-SOSAN, FAIRY FOREST.2250 Metres.
Coordinates :-31.9828° N, 77.4371° E
Native Environment:- Alpine Zone (Cool Temperate/Humid).
Flowering time:- 10 to 14 weeks.
Height Outdoors/Yield:- 6-10 feet/Medium.
Farming season:-April to November
Terpene Profile:- Berries, Jam, Applesauce, Mint and Sourdough
Final product by local farmer:- Handrubbed hashish.
Effects :- Some super enjoyable smoke which induces a creative, euphoric and mind calming high.
Pulga is situated in a valley surrounded by snow clad mountain peaks on three sides. The locals here mainly rely on Apple and Cannabis farming. These landrace plants have a Christmas tree like structure which produce nice densely packed flowers. They display a light purple fade towards the end of flowering, which is unevenly spread throughout the flower. Their seeds are huge in size, resilient and germinate brilliantly like other domesticated landrace varieties.
Landrace Mafia