Wailing Cosmetics

Location/Altitude:-WAILING,MALANA.3200 Meters. Coordinates :-32.0588° N, 77.2497° E Native Environment:- Alpine Zone (Cool Humid Summers and Snowy Winters) Flowering time:- 10 to 13 weeks. Height Outdoors/Yield:- 6-12 feet/Medium. Farming season:-April to November Terpene Profile:- Exotic flavor of naphthalene (moth balls), pine, mango, cherry, charred meat, incense and sulphur. Final product by local farmer:- Handrubbed and Bubble Hash. Effects :- Heady, Euphoric, strong, uplifting and long lasting.
Discovered within the mysterious Wailing Valley, a remarkable cannabis female exhibited an unmistakable aroma resembling cosmetic and acetone notes, accompanied by subtle hints of fruitiness. This distinctive chemical-like fragrance earned it the moniker "Cosmetic Wailing," capturing the essence of its unique phenotypical expression.
Landrace Mafia