Nirang Black

Location/Altitude:-NIRANG,MALANA.2890 Metres.
Coordinates :-32.0450° N, 77.2776° E
Native Environment:- Alpine Zone (Cool Humid Summers and Snowy Winters)
Flowering time:- 10 to 13 weeks.
Height Outdoors/Yield:- 6-10 feet/Medium.
Farming season:-April to November
Terpene Profile:- Rotten grapes, tamarind, rose, diesel, skunk and earthy menthol.
Final product by local farmer:- Handrubbed hashish
Effects :- Fast Hitting, Overwhelming, Cerebral and Long Lasting.
The beautiful black fade on this plant gave it an unreal appearance. However, it is important to note that the aesthetic of a plant is not the only factor that determines its quality. In order for a phenotype to be considered ideal, it must also possess the desired terpenes and a high level of potency. This particular black flower emitted a strong scent reminiscent of grapes and diesel, with a subtle hint of mint in the background.
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