Malana X Urgam F1

The seeds were planted in the month of May 2022 giving them a full season to vegetate, experience the monsoons and then flower out under a similar wet/cold environment. By and large the climate of Urgam valley isn't much different from that of Malana Valley.However, when we do get into the details there's certainly differences in the amount of Insolation, day-night temperature shift, amount of precipitation and snowfall period between them.

Interestingly, the germination rate and the survival rate for the seedlings was almost same as in Malana. in addition to this the plants also had a great vegitative growth period, even though these plants were never fed or watered and survived completely on their own, as they were directly sown into the mountainous soil. Now, as the plants transitioned into the flowering is when we started seeing some signs of Malana plants not feeling at home. The flowering rate was apparently slow and flower development was below par on almost 80% of the population. Either the flowers were way to fragmented with little resin or developed bud rot. Only around 20% of the plants seemed unaffected and growing as they would grow in their natural habitat. So within those plants were able to select one female which was head and shoulders ahead of everyone in the plot. This female had maintained a great overall health with absolutely no signs of bud rot, and yet it was glistening in resin and had the perfect structure, smell and as an icing on the cake, great effects too.

Our female selection not so surprisingly came out of a wailing valley female, which had everything in its favour despite being in a new environment and that too with an abnormal year of monsoon rains. The female selection from the project measured around 7-8 ft. with no bud rot or fungal infections lurking on the leaves. The yield was par with what we generally see these plants produce at their natural habitat, but being the female selection the resin production was above average, we could clearly see the big capitate stalked trichomes, which were crowding up the swollen bracts and bract leaves as well to some extent. The conditions in the valley during the flowering term of cannabis plants (July-september) stays extremely wet and any variety without strong resistance towards not just wet conditions but constant showers will not be able to flower or even make seeds. Hence we aptly chose Malana valley landraces for this project which are already adapted to flowering under the monsoons. The female selection, features a sharp and loud fruity aroma, along with hints of incense and some faint citrus notes. After we had selected the female, in order to de seed it and also be able to check the effects of the resin quickly without drying, We hand rubbed the female selection because that is what farmers do in the valley for extracting resin off of the flowers. The Resin was very sticky and got rolled over, onto the palms quickly creating a thick layer of resin and some plant matter with it. We scraped off the resin and smoked it in a chillum and a joint to get a good grasp on the flavour as well as the effects, we did a good chunk of around 4-5+ gms. The effects were right on the spot, just like smoking the wailing valley charas straight from Malana, which is to be expected as the female we extracted the resin off of was from the wailing valley, However the F1 seeds it produced were made using a local male from the Urgam Valley. Hence, the next generation of the seeds will be an interesting lot to look through at the same location to make further selections, and shape this new born variety out of the 2 legendary himalayan landraces in a beneficial vector for the local farmers.

Landrace Mafia

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