Kala Pathri

Coordinates :- 18.0806° N, 82.6645° E.
Native Environment:- Tropical Monsoon Climate
(Hot Temperate/Humid)
Flowering time:- 14 to 16 weeks.
Height Outdoors/Yield:- 6-10 feet/Medium.
Farming season:-April to November.
Terpene Profile:- Earthy, flavour with some musk and spice in the blend.
Final product by local farmer:- Solid, rock like buds.
Effects :- Potent sativa strain that knocks you out for a while. This strain is great for mind relaxation and works great as an antidepressant.
Paderu, Andhra Pradesh is a cannabis hub where roughly 1000 villages grow cannabis in a 10-thousand-acre area. Approximately 400,000 kilograms of cannabis is seized every year by the government and over 17 million cannabis plants are destroyed. This violation has made us concentrate more on the preservation of this sacred plant. The Kaala Pathari strain is widely available throughout india with consistency in the flowers and is easily the everyday smoke for a majority of smokers.
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