Chiang Rai

Location/Altitude: Chiang Rai province, Thailand 390meters

Coordinates :- 19.91° N, 99.84° E

Native Environment:- Tropical Savanna (Hot all year with cool nights in winters)

Flowering time:- 12-16 weeks.

Height Outdoors/Yield:- 6-12 feet/High

Farming season:- JULY to February

Terpene Profile:- Mango, Papaya, Floral, Lime

Final product by local farmer:- Flowers

Effects: The classical long flowering cerebral high, energetic and psychedelic.

Chiang Rai is a resource rich mountainous province in Northern Thailand. This area is right next to the borders of Laos and Myanmar (formerly Burma). Cannabis has been grown here since many centuries for recreational purposes. The plants here are very heat and humidity resistant, give out a pleasant mango, floral, sweet papaya smell with limey backnotes.

Landrace Mafia

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