
Location/Altitude:-LOHAGHAT 1754 Metres.
Coordinates :-32.0617° N, 77.2613° E
Native Environment:- Alpine Zone (Cool Temperate/Humid).
Flowering time:- 10 to 14 weeks.
Height Outdoors/Yield:- 6-10 feet/Medium.
Farming season:- March to September.
Terpene Profile:-Cherry, Mango, Perfume
Final product by local farmer:- Handrubbed hashish.
Effects :- Soothing ,energizing and Mood Enhancing.
Champawat District is located in the eastern Kumaon division of Uttarakhand and shares borders with Nepal. The cannabis culture is not limited to just recreational uses here, it has been used in the daily diet through seeds and as cloth fibre in this region since centuries. The landrace plants of this area are properly domesticated, they have multiple side branching, dense closely packed flowers which carry these enormous seeds.
Landrace Mafia