Arraku Mango

Location/Altitude:- ARAKU VALLEY 910 METRE

Coordinates :-18.3273° N, 82.8775° E.

Native Environment:- Tropical Monsoon Climate (Temperate Hot/Humid)

Flowering time:- 12 to 14 weeks.

Height Outdoors/Yield:- 6-12 feet/High

Farming season:- May to February

Terpene Profile:- Overwhelming Mango, pine, lemon, Java Fruit

Final product by local farmer:- Dense Terpy Flowers

Effects :- It is a very powerful high, very balanced between the physical and cerebral side. Takes the user in a continuous state of calmness and psychedelia in between.

Araku Valley is a renowned cannabis, spices and coffee hotspot with numerous villages cultivating the same since centuries. The tribals here are hardworking and experienced. Farming is also done here systematically with ideal spacing, removing extra male plants and manual watering of vast fields. Each perfectly grown plant gives out approximately 2kgs of buds on harvest.

Landrace Mafia

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